Events and Workshops


Can we talk?

Meet The Mesdames of Mayhem, a collective of 16 local mystery writers who love to talk about mysteries – theirs and other people’s. We have three anthologies out – Thirteen, 13 O’Clock and 13 Claws. Many of the Mesdames are well-known authors in their own right who deliver cracking good workshops and talks. One, some or all of us is/are available for just about any speaking (and book sale) opportunity.

Here’s what we can deliver:

1) Mesdames Group Talks:

Beyond the top drawer: getting that manuscript published

Crazy thought? So you might want to be an author

You bet women rule the crime-writing world

Why we just love mysteries

Canadian mystery writers you should know about (and a couple of Brits and Yanks as well)

A little help from our friends: why we believe in writing groups and collectives like ours

Branding, posting and other promotional tricks and tools

Where we get our ideas. Hint: They’re not just ripped from the headlines

So you want to do an anthology. Learn the pitfalls, perils and payoffs from the Mesdames who have done it

The art – and blood, sweat and tears – of writing a short story


2) Mesdames Group Workshops/Events:

Ad lib: Learn how to harness your imagination by joining the Mesdames in an improv plotting session

Do you know your stuff? We read the opening of famous (or maybe not) mystery novels. The audience name the books.

Idea Fest: The Mesdames get ideas – everywhere from the dime store to the doctor’s office. How can the audience get ‘em? They are about to find out in this high-octane, audience participation idea improvisation session.

Edit Fest: Bring forth those novels, short stories, and yet-to-be published bestsellers. The Mesdames are ready for them with their poised blue pens and pencils. Make it a social evening and everyone gets to be a critic!








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